Rules relating to business processes or activities: These rules relate to flow control logic within a business process model, affecting the branching, and flow control of a sequence of business tasks. 与业务流程或活动相关的规则:这些规则与业务流程模型中的流控制逻辑相关,它们影响分支和业务任务序列的流控制。
The process to control it is intriguing and interesting but the heart of the computer is simply this notion that we build our descriptions, our recipes, on a sequence of primitive instructions. 这个控制它的过程很耐人寻味,很有意思,但是计算机的核心仅仅只是,我们在初始指令序列上,建造描述、方法的一个概念罢了。
System analysis is applied to the reachable matrix. As a result, the fault tree frame model of the process control system is obtained, and the top structure in sequence. 对系统可达矩阵运用系统分析方法,进行子要素级别分析、强连接关系识别、基本子要素的确定一系列的运算,确定系统故障树结构模型,得到系统故障树顶部结构。
Based on process model definition described by relational structure, direction control logical realizes Sequence, XOR-Split and XOR-Join, And-Split and And-Join transition types. 根据基于关系结构的流程模型定义,流向控制逻辑实现了顺序控制、选择分支与选择合并、并行分支与并行合并等流向控制。
Technological process of CIP and intelligent CIP technological process of control point. Require of time sequence and appliance of PC to realize logical control of CIP. CIP工艺流程及其智能型的控制点流程、时序要求以及应用可编程序控制器(PC)来实现CIP的逻辑控制。
The hardware, software and process control sequence of the continuous cutting control system for bar and light section in Laiwu Iron and Steel Co are introduced, and the process of cutting to length is emphasized. 介绍莱钢棒材和轻型材生产线连续剪切控制系统的硬件、软件和工艺设备控制流程,着重介绍了定尺剪切过程。
In this paper, the contents are summarized as follows: 1. The control strategy for rotary cement kiln process is researched and proposed, which includes process loop control, device logic interlock control and sequence control. 本文主要内容归纳如下:1.研究了水泥回转窑过程的控制策略,包括过程回路控制、设备联锁控制以及顺序控制。
In the process design, the use of control systems with a logical sequence to complete the heat transfer media sub-time heat transfer control, through the establishment of intermediate systems and partition regenerative approaches to non-steady-state heat stability of the system into a continuous heating process. 在该流程设计中,使用带逻辑的顺序控制系统来完成换热介质的分时段换热控制,通过建立中间过渡系统以及分区蓄热的办法使非稳态的排热系统变为稳定连续的供热流程。
The grafting process become more stable as the software of the control system is design based on modular thinking. The time sequence drawing is showed and optimized. 4. 在设计控制系统软件程序时,采用模块化编程思想,提高了嫁接过程的稳定性,并对嫁接机进行工作时序优化。
In the design process synchronous transfer control signal design programs to address the problem of cross-clock domains, multi-mode transmission using support programs to address the transmission sequence diversity. 在设计过程中采用同步器设计传递控制信号的方案解决了跨时钟域的问题,采用支持多种传输模式的方案解决了传输时序多样性的问题。
Through the structured modeling process, the whole control system is divided into several parts-input and output module, air compressor control module, sequence switch module, communication module, cylinder PID control module and alarm module. 该系统设计以项目要求为依据,通过结构化建模处理,将整个控制系统按功能划分为:输入输出模块,空压机控制模块,顺序切换模块,通讯模块,分气缸PID调节模块和报警模块。
Through observing actual working process of control circuit by logic analyzer, we can affirm that time sequence of output control signal accord with design requirement, control circuit can also acquire measuring data cooperate with measuring process and transmit real-time data to storage in the computer by interrupt. 通过逻辑分析仪对控制电路的实际工作过程进行观察,可以确认输出控制信号的时序关系符合设计预期,控制电路也能配合测量进程采集测量数据,并通过中断方式实时传送到主机存储器中。